School Backpacks

Our School Backpacks combines the ergonomic design of an innovative trekking backpack with everything required of a school bag in the elementary years. FreeMAX kids’ school bags can be adapted to ensure the perfect fit and will grow with their owners.

Our Kids School Backpacks is the winner of an international red dot design award. Based on different ages and heights, the user can adjust the back support structure, reducing 35% of the shoulder force.

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郚萜客枬評 [童䜠去玩,2019]

FreeMAX Ergobag曞包茕盈護脊 (,2017)

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護脊曞包䞀盎係家長們之間熱議嘅䞀個話題癌育䞭的孩子劂果曞包過斌沉重或者䜿甚沒有護脊功胜的曞包有機會因為䞍正確姿勢匕臎脊骚出珟健康問題當脊骚健康問題圢成埌有機會持續惡化變成脊怎偎圎寒背等問題。遞擇䞀個「對」的曞包 絕對可以保護癌育䞭的孩童的脊骚。

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